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  • Hi there! My name is Jody! I am a wife, mama, and own the Fabric Shoppe! I love to find BEAUTY in EVERYDAY life! I hope to inspire you here with fabrics, tutorials, recipes, and crafty inspiration! Stop back often and enjoy!

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August 02, 2011


Rachel B.

How fun are these!!
Over the past two years, I've read about swaps online but no one does them in my area (in MO) and I've seen a lot of other blog readers who want to participate so I've started a site for idea-inspiration as well as the ability to order:

If you end up with readers who don't have the time or energy to make but want bags to purchase, they can certainly come my way. We're here to help!
(also on FB under BusyBagCentral where we do giveaways for fans)

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