Here's a bit of what's going on at our house this week via grainy cell phone pics. I am linking up to Insta- Friday at Life Rearranged. You should too! It's fun!
I started out the week by getting my hair done by my bestie! got a little pink feather extension put in too! Its just little. Can you see it?
She just put a hair studio in her basement! This is the amazing penny wall and fireplace that they just put in! The cell phone pic definitely doesn't do it justice! Such a fun space to get pampered in!
My hubby and I spent a few days doing some *mini* upgrades on our new house. It all started with a trip to home depot for a sink sprayer. We ended up buying a whole faucet, hardware for the cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom and a curtain rod, along with paint for the ourdoor trim around our front door. I will just show you the exciting stuff!
Hardware is Martha Stewart Bedford Canopy Pull in Brushed Nickel and Bedford Ribbon Pull and curtain rod is also Martha Stewart from Home Depot. Curtains are Pier One. The hardware is a brushed nickel but aged a bit! I can't seem to get enough of damask lately!
Here's a full shot. I need to figure out what I am going to do for art framing the patio window!
Here is a pic of what was up there before! Blech!
Since I have been showing little pieces of our fall decor, here are a few more pumpkins that have found their home on the kitchen shelf. I just love little pumpkins and how easy they make fall decorating!
We also have all these squash from our farm share here on the table lookin' pretty but I need to find some new ways to cook them. I usually roast them which is good. Do you have any yummy recipes for squash?
I had MOPS group this week at church where one of the ladies spoke about organization. It inspired me to start using the home management binder that I made about a month ago. {And it happens to match my curtains}! I got super cute printables from Clean Mama Printables on etsy and it's all ready to go now I just need to make sure I am am using it daily! More on that later!
Thanks for stopping by for Instafriday! Leave a comment so I can pay you a visit too!
love your blonde hair! it is so cute! the feather is really super cute too!
Posted by: nicke | October 28, 2011 at 11:15 PM