Here's a bit of what's going on at our house this week via grainy cell phone pics. I am linking up to Insta- Friday at Life Rearranged. You should too! It's fun!
My mums are in full bloom in front of each side of the garage! I love them!
To add some more fall decor around here I made a bittersweet wreath from some real bittersweet gathered at a friends house. I put it on the back/side door of the garage. It's small but it makes me smile!
Here is another pumpkin added to the kitchen area above my cookbooks!
We have continued our food adventures here! I am so excited to be able to stock our pantry and freezer for the winter with fresh local organic food! We started out the weekend with a visit to the local farmers market and apple orchard and picked up another 1/2 bushel of tomatoes, 3 pounds of concord grapes, and 15 more pounds of apples along with some local beef and bacon for some winter soups. We started with the concord grapes.
They were so sweet. They smelled almost like grape soda. Sooo sweet!! We made low sugar grape jelly. Which both my hubby and I agreed was *way* too labor intensive and long. Next time we will stick to jam or preserves! We made tomato sauce out of the tomatos! Here are some of our helpers cranking the food mill.
And drum roll please! I actally made something from Pinterest this week! Cut the top off my salt container which had ran out and it fits perfectly inside a wide mouth jar ring. Brilliant! Great for storing those bulk grains like my ground flax seed here!
Made a chicken pot pie for dinner tonight, and one for the freezer!
This is what it looks like after quiet time in my girls room! I don't think much resting was going on in that bed!:) Not sure why I even spend money on book shelves? At least the books are getting enjoyed. Right?
A few of you have said you wanted to see a few pics of the Shoppe and I promise to do some more of those soon! This is what my good sized entry way looks like many days around 5pm as my hubby is coming home. Sorry babe! Totally full of boxes, and bolts, and other stuff that was dropped off late afternoon! The UPS guy drops off boxes fairly late, like betweet 5 and 6 so they often sit there till after the kiddos are in bed or the next morning! We {my assistant and I} then process them in the morning!
So that's where the magic begins! I know, super exciting! I will post more pics of the Shoppe soon! Thanks for stopping by for insta friday! Leave a comment so i can hop on over to your blog!
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Posted by: עבודה לצעירים | November 14, 2011 at 11:13 AM